Top-10 Yellow Fever Facts for Frequent Travellers


Yellow fever is a severe viral infection spread by specific mosquito species that thrive in tropical areas. If you’re a regular traveller, it’s important to consider getting a yellow fever vaccine. In this blog, we’ll discuss some key facts about yellow fever and booster doses.

Top-10 Yellow Fever Facts for Frequent Travellers

If you’re a frequent traveller heading to tropical regions, it’s essential to understand yellow fever, its risks, and how to prevent it. Transmitted by the bites of infected mosquitoes, this viral disease poses a significant health threat, especially in parts of Africa and South America.

Here are the top 10 yellow fever facts every traveller should know-

  1. Origin and Transmission- The reason behind yellow fever transmission is a virus transmitted through the bites of infected Aedes or Haemagogus species mosquitoes.
  2. Vaccine Effectiveness- The yellow fever vaccine is highly effective, offering protection within 10 days for 80–100% of recipients, and over 99% immunity within 30 days.
  3. Yellow Fever Outbreak- Approximately 200,000 cases are reported annually worldwide, with the majority occurring in African and South American nations.
  4. Similarity to Flu- Initial yellow fever symptoms often mimic the flu, including fever, headaches, muscle pain, and general malaise, making early diagnosis challenging.
  5. Severe Symptoms and Risks- After initial recovery, about 15% of cases progress to more severe symptoms like jaundice, organ failure, and sometimes, fatal outcomes.
  6. Yellow Fever Risk Areas- Major risk areas include sub-Saharan Africa and tropical South America. Notably, the disease is absent from the UK, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific regions.
  7. Prevalence Zones- The disease’s prevalence is highest in geographical belts along the equator, affecting local populations and unvaccinated travellers.
  8. Immunity Duration- Once vaccinated, most people do not need a booster as the vaccine confers lifelong immunity.
  9. International Regulations- Many countries require proof of vaccination for entry, preventing the spread of the virus across borders.
  10. Preventive Measures- Apart from vaccination, travellers should use mosquito repellent, wear protective clothing, and use mosquito nets to prevent bites.
How to Treat Yellow Fever?

Although there is an effective vaccine to prevent yellow fever, there is no specific yellow fever treatment once the disease is contracted. If you or someone you know is diagnosed with yellow fever, here are the key steps in managing the condition-

  1. Manage Symptoms- Use pain relievers like paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce fever and relieve pain.
  2. Stay Hydrated- Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
  3. Hospital Care- Severe cases require hospitalisation for intensive support and monitoring.
How to Prevent Yellow Fever?

While vaccination is crucial for yellow fever prevention, there are several other practical steps you can take to reduce your risk of contracting yellow fever. Here’s how you can protect yourself from yellow fever-

  1. Cover Up- Wear long-sleeved shirts and trousers, especially from dusk till dawn.
  2. Use Repellent- Apply a DEET-containing insect repellent on exposed skin.
  3. Secure Accommodation- Keep windows and doors closed or screened.
  4. Use Treated Mosquito Nets- Sleep under nets treated with insecticide, including during daytime naps.
Is Getting a Yellow Fever Booster Jab Necessary?

For most people, getting a booster dose of the yellow fever vaccine isn’t needed. After you receive the initial vaccination, the immunity it provides is both long-lasting and highly effective. This is great news for travellers, as it means you can feel secure and protected against this potentially deadly disease without the need for additional jabs.

If you’re planning to travel to areas at risk for yellow fever, a booster dose of the vaccine is recommended if you were-

  1. Pregnant when you received your initial vaccination
  2. Under 2 years old at the time of your first vaccination
  3. Living with HIV when vaccinated
  4. Had a weakened immune system during your previous vaccination
  5. Vaccinated before undergoing a bone marrow transplant
Get Yellow Fever Vaccine at Village Pharmacy

Yellow fever vaccine remains the most effective measure against this dangerous virus. Get your yellow fever jab at Village Pharmacy.  Book an appointment with us online for yellow fever vaccination.

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